When you hire me as a ghostwriter, you’re getting a real, published writer who has worked with corporate clients for decades. I have one special talent: I’m extremely good at learning someone’s message and communicating that message on paper. Below are a few of the reasons clients are so satisfied with my work.

1. You’ll Be Shocked at How Deeply I Learn what You’re Saying

The one thing I hear time and again is, “You really get what I’m trying to say.” Through decades of experience, I’ve developed a casual interview style that puts clients at ease and unlocks the gift they can bring to the world. I learn their lessons to a deep level in a short time. When you hire a ghostwriter, you want them to “get it” the way you do. That’s my #1 skill.

2. I Know How to Write

Anyone with a keyboard can put words on paper. The biggest reason to hire a ghostwriter is to find someone who can do it a lot better than you. Once I’ve learned your message all the way to the ground, I’ll take the time to craft the flow of words personally. I’ll get the story across in a way that not only makes sense, but that catches the reader’s mind in an “Ah-hah” experience. A great book doesn’t just teach—it does so in a way the reader has to share around the water cooler or on Facebook or Twitter. I have that ah-hah quality ingrained in my psyche and it comes out when I write.

3. You’ll Love the Result

Another thing clients say is, “I’m shocked how well you got my message across.” The ability to learn someone’s lessons and communicate them effectively is a talent I was born with and a skill I’ve worked hard to develop. Most often clients say my words are 90% right, straight from the first draft. When you hire me as a ghostwriter, you’re not getting a book full of my words. You’re getting your words with my time.

4. I’ll Take the Burden off You

Most experts who hire a ghostwriter do it because they’ve been putting off writing a book for too long. They’re teachers, consultants—people who’ve already shared their message with a large clientele. They know their lessons need to reach a wider audience, but how to find the time to make it happen? When you hire me, it becomes my mission to make it easy for you to get the book you want. Normally the client’s contribution is a series of phone interviews, then a set of notes for revisions. A ghostwriter that sucks up your hours is worse than no ghostwriter at all. I’ll see that your project moves forward swiftly without draining your most precious resource: time.

See More “Hire a Ghostwriter” Info in My Blog…

Post #1: When to Hire a Ghostwriter

Looking to hire a ghostwriter? Click here to read my post on how to know if it’s really the right choice for you. I’ll explain why the best candidates to seek help from a ghostwriter are people with an excellent message and a built in audience who are so busy sharing their special knowledge that they just don’t have the time to write a book.

Hire a Ghostwriter #2: It’s About Your Time

The most important factor to consider before you hire a ghostwriter? Time. You value yours and I do too. The person who knows the most about his field is almost always the same person who has the least time to write a book about it. A good ghostwriter is like a time infusion that lets the teacher get his teaching done and still produce the perfect book.

Hire a Ghostwriter #3: What a Good Ghostwriter Should Do for You

What should a good ghostwriter do for you? Save you time. Understand your message. Write the book you would have written, not in the ghostwriter’s words, but your own. The best ghostwriter is one whose mission is to learn the words you’d use yourself, then use them to create your perfect book.

Hire a Ghostwriter #4: How to Pick the Right Ghostwriter

How do you pick the right ghostwriter? Generally, pick one who can listen, ask the right questions, structure thoughts efficiently and most of all, write well. If you hire a ghostwriter who has those qualities, your project is already halfway to success.

Hire a Ghostwriter #5: One Businessman’s Approach to Finding a Ghostwriter

How do you find the best ghostwriter? Just hire me, right? But if you’re looking for a way to take a more scientific approach, the video in this blog post has a great method. It’s described by an online publisher who hires ghostwriters on a regular basis and it’s got some great advice.